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Empowering Support

Hope Loves Company prides itself on using tools rooted in best practices and trauma informed care.   Our volunteers are trained in the basics of ALS and trauma in youth and our staff are comprised of qualified social workers, teachers and child life experts.   Our empowering support programs help children understand how their bodies react to the stress of ALS while giving them tools, resources and support they need to work manage their ever changing needs on a daily basis.  

Free To Attend

ALS has a significant impact on the family financially and often leads to loss of income and need to invest in caregiving tools, devices and home modifications that are unplanned for and often unfunded.   We firmly believe that all families and children should have access to the support and resources they need, when they need it.  As such our programs are free for all to attend and made possible through the generosity of our supporters.   Leveling the financial playing field means all children have access at Hope Loves Company.


We welcome our campers and their families to join us at our campgrounds, which are accessible to many ALS needs. Because our team has lived experience as caregivers, we know what to look for in a great camp site and strive to anticipate the needs of our families who come with mobility aides, adaptive devices and support equipment related to ALS.   Moreover, its the norm for our families, there's a community of support for all our participants, helping as needed.

Family Oriented

Camp HLC supports young caregivers between the ages of 6 and 21 years of age, as well as the entire family, if the family so chooses.  Camps are three day respite weekends where children find and build community with their peers whom are going through, or whom have gone through a similar ALS journey.   Nestled in nature, traditional camp activities married with coping skills, self care and supported by qualified therapists, children gain tools to carry them on their journey feeling connected and hopeful.

National Reach 

Camp HLC has sites that run throughout the year and across the nation in each region, making most camps accessible to families with a short drive or quick flight.   We strive to ensure that camps are centrally located near an airport for those who need to travel via air.  We empower our families to choose the camp that best meets their scheduling and location needs and often our families use camp as a vacation and opportunity to explore new areas.   Some families love camp so much they attend multiple a year!

Camp HLC

Camp HLC is a three-day, overnight retreat for children and young adults, ages 6-21, who have or have had a loved one battling ALS.

Through the generosity of our sponsors, the weekend retreat is free of charge to the ALS community!

Camp HLC

2025 Registration


Winter Virtual Camp HLC, online March 14 and 15th

Camp HLC NJ Camp: Fairview Lake YMCA May 16-18th

Camp HLC MA August 22-24 in Hinsdale, MA 

Camp HLC GA September 26th- 28th, Winder, GA

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