Hugs of Hope Packagess
It's the small things that feel like big things when a child is coping with a loved one with ALS. Our care packages offer a hug from afar, symbolizing love, comfort and support with custom toolkits thoughtfully designed for children on their ALS journeys.
3.4 million.
the number of children under the age of 18 who care for a loved one in the US, according to the National Alliance for Caregiving.
Children Caregivers:
The Role
Children who serve as caregivers for a loved one are a population we rarely talk about and that are, in many ways, underserved and under-understood. Did you know that:
30% of child caregivers help with medications and 17% help their loved one communicate with doctors or nurses.
49% of children caregivers share that they spend "a lot of time" doing caregiving activities.
Children whom are caregivers exhibit more anxious or depressive behavior than their non-caregiving peers.
Participation in school activities, school performances and academic achievement is also affected.