Hope Loves Company and Paint for a Cure partner to bring Camp HLC to Arizona.
"Joy is the simplest form of gratitude."-Karl Barth
— Jodi O'Donnell-Ames, Executive Director of HLC
PRESCOTT, AZ, October 5, 2024

Fall is in the air, pumpkin-flavored lattes and cookies are back on menus and many of us had to bring out our cozy sweaters. Here in New Jersey where HLC began, our green trees are ablaze in gold, crimson, amber, and purple. The air is brisk and we just turned on the heat.
Karl Barth once said, "Joy is the simplest form of gratitude."
The vibrant colors of fall definitely bring me joy.
So does spending time with amazing children.
Today I connected with a mom who lives with ALS. She requested a Hug of Hope for her child and her attached note was so kind and full of gratitude. I sat down and wrote her a thank you card immediately.
I had to let her know how much I appreciated her message. It's not always easy to express gratitude when times are challenging.
Over the last week, I have been thanking our Camp HLC Arizona families, sponsors and volunteers and now I am connecting with everyone who is helping to bring Camp HLC to San Diego, California. Please know that the deadline for that camp is November 7th.
Last spring, Eric Weinbrenner and his team at Paint for a Cure contacted us about bringing a Camp HLC to Arizona. One man's vision brought a new camp to a new state and we are grateful.

Paint for a Cure team: Tracy Leavitt, Eric Weinbrenner and Jonathan Sacks. With Jodi O’Donnells-Ames
Incredible things happen when ideas and support come together.
Nothing we do could happen without the support of good people, families and donors.
Speaking of support, Monday was the first Parent Meet and Greet since our summer break. I was happy to connect with many of you there.
You can register here for future sessions: https://bit.ly/3YdqXmR
These sessions are for the adults who know the ALS journey and are raising children.
We also resumed our Hangout/Beyond the Bunk sessions for children 9 years to 17 and beyond. There are three age groups and registration for those can be found on our website.
In addition, we have partnered with BetterHelp and are grateful for their support. BetterHelp provides 100% online support and our partnership with them provides 3 months of free therapy to support you and give you a head start on your mental wellness journey. Support begins at 12 years old and up. Contact me, jodi.odonnell-ames@hopelovescompany.org for more information.
And lastly, soon we will be unveiling a new and exciting HLC project- Kids Are Curious! Please stay tuned for that!
We thank you for sharing HLC, supporting HLC, and attending HLC programs.